EBORX Sp. z o.o. sell only to institutional customers (installers, project developers, wholesalers) based on: valid VATUE registration or european exporting procedures (IE599). In case of Polish customers, validation of NIP/Regon is required. According our Terms of Use, we do not sell to individual customers or private persons.
To order products, you don't have to register in the system of PVshop.eu.
Registration in the system may be helpfully, if you want to have an full view into your billing and order status process. It may be very helpful for next purchases and its ordering and billing process.
You can cancel your order at any time before payment, without any consequences. Your payment is the final and binding confirmation of your order.
Delivery costs can vary within the same country and depend on postal code of delivery. You will be informed before payment about the final costs of delivery.
Estimation of transport costs
All payments and prices are related to the EUR currency. We accept payments only by standard bank transfer and before the shipping. You will receive all needed payment information (IBAN/SFWIT CODE) by email together with our proforma invoice. More about the payments in Payment and delivery.
For each transaction pro-forma invoice will be issued. VAT invoice (or exporting documentation) will be issued after receiving the full payment.
For registered customers and Partners with Intra-European as well as EU-Export delivery, net invoicing and sales (without 23% VAT) are possible.
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Analytical software provider